This year for Halloween I wanted to attempt a theme as a family and this what we came up with.
The Miller Family
starring in
It was fun making the costumes. Ray and I's costumes were simple and not much to them but the kids were a little more involved. Chase's lion costume was a monkey that Logan used a couple of years ago. I just cut the monkey nose off and used yarn for the lion's mane. Pretty easy and he looked super cute in it. Logan was the Tinman and I wasn't quite sure how go about it so Ray helped out with this one. We used an oil funnel for the hat, cardboard for the body, and dryer vent hose for the arms and legs. We didn't get quite enough dryer hose but it still turned out fun. And then Rylee's dress I had to sew. This was an adventure because I've never sewed clothing before and I'm not exactly skilled in this department. I was pretty proud of myself though because I didn't have a pattern or anything and just kind of guessed what I had to do. I asked my mom and a neighbor a couple of questions, but it still turned out good. Rylee was pretty dang cute as usual (PS - she got her first tooth yesterday!!! Lets hope it doesn't put a monkey wrench in nursing now. I don't know now long I can handle it if she starts to bite when nursing :) ) But overall, it was a fun holiday and I'm already starting to think about what we could do as a family theme for next year.