Anyways, I'm tired of not feeling good. Things seem to only be getting worse, the further along I'm getting, well, the less I want to eat and the more tired I am. I just have to remind myself that it's nothing permanent, and the kids are worth it. I feel like such a pansy complaining about some nausea and tiredness. I have some friends that throw up nonstop or they are literally on their death bed just trying to survive through the day, but yet I can't seem to help feeling sorry for myself.
The other struggle, my baking. Or should I say the lack thereof. I have no desire to have any treats around my house, which is extremely unusual. The other day I attempted to actually make something, and I couldn't make it work. I tried 3 times!!! Talk about frustration and a blow to the self esteem. I consider myself a fairly good baker, so when I fail like that, it doesn't make me feel too great. So, if anyone has any recipes for Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, I'm open to any new recipes. And yes, this is a very trivial thing to bother me, but well, it doesn't take much to get to me right now.
The next BIG struggle right now is that we can't seem to get our car fixed!!! It squirts antifreeze like you can't imagine. We took it to a mechanic and was supposedly fixed, but this morning it decided to overheat again and lose all of its antifreeze. Not happy. Not one bit. The problem is, we don't want to put too much money in this car because we need to get a bigger car that we can all fit in once the baby is born. What to do, what to do.
And the last thing I'll vent about is my kids. Not something I should probably complain about, but they are so difficult right now!! Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but the complete lack of respect and obedience on Logan's part is no longer acceptable. The yelling, tantrums, is just out of control and I'm not quite sure how to go about handling it. Chase is also at the age where he is just into everything and not wanting to take naps like he should. It just feels like I've lost complete control of everything at the moment. I'm hoping for a better week and get a better hold of things.
Something that I wanted to do with this pregnancy is to take monthly pictures. My sis-in-law, Kristi, did this with her baby and it was fun to look at the growth. So, I'm starting my pictures at 3 months. There's just not much need to take any earlier, not a whole lot there. It was fun to see the pic though, I'm not as big as I feel!!! I looked at the picture and realized I don't too big. Whew, kind of a relief.
Well, all done here. Sorry again for the vent out, just feels good to get things out. I know it's nothing too major or big, but it's what's going on right now in our lives so it seems big. We'll survive, just need to remember to rely on my Heavenly Father and keep the faith that everything will work the way it i supposed to.
Have I already told you to go have a girl's night out? You need it!! It helps, believe me. If I didn't have my one night a month with my craft group, I would go absolutely insane!!
Logan is a smart kid and he's just testing you. Remember to stay consistent with your discipline and eventually he'll start understanding. Do they have any love & logic classes down there? Look into it and see if you can get into one!
Deathbed? Who's that? haha. Don't feel bad one little bit about complaining. Pregnancy is hard no matter who you are and with the rest of life's stresses it just makes it worse. Sorry no help for the pumpkin cinn rolls but I'll look into it. I'll call you sometime soon and you can just vent your little heart out. Love ya.
Hang in there! I only have one kid and I've only been pregnant once, so I don't have much advice, but just to PRAY that everything will come together as it should and that you will be blessed with whatever you need to be the best mom and wife. Its o.k. to complain too:) You are a great Mom and Wife, just keeping going.
Sooner or later your tiredness and nausea will go away and you'll have more energy to keep up with your kids! Plus, you will have a new little baby that will be worth every minute of the discomforts you have to go through to get the little one here! It's really hard to do ANYTHING when you're feeling run down so don't be too hard on yourself; you look GREAT! I also did the monthly pics and put myself side by side with photoshop, it is SO fun to see the growth! I know it gets old hearing it, but sleep when you can and you'll feel so much better!
Sorry you had a bad week Sarah. It's only been a few months, but I forget how awful pregnancy was. You're 1/3 done, right? Hooray! Don't feel like a failure with your baking...that cake was delicious! Sometimes I just struggle with certain Alan's chocolate chip cookies, I used to be so good at them, but now cannot get them right. So I gave up on those. I do better at pies. You are amazing at inspire me to be better at it. Don't give up, you'll get you knack back. And Trevor and I are always willing to eat any of your creations that make you nauseated. I know, it will be a sacrifice, but we're here for you ;). I'm also serious about taking your kids from you one day. You can call me anytime or just drop them off on my doorstep. Don't feel guilty, you're a great mom, but everyone needs a break. That's why we have each other! Oh, and tell Ray that I finally can start subbing. Wow, this comment is so long it is almost blog-worthy (j/k).
Awh, you have such a cute little baby belly, and I love your hair. I know sometimes it seems like its one thing after another! I had a good hour long "complain session" with my mom the other day and then I felt remarkably better. Sometimes venting helps tons!
Are you taking a Vitamin B6 pill? That helped me so much with my last pregnancy, I would take it at night with my pre-natal and would feel almost completely fine the next day. Give that a try if you aren't taking it already! Just take it easy, don't push yourself too much and remember that you CAN and SHOULD ask for help whenever you need it. Alana would love to come play with Logan if you need a break!! And you are looking great!! Can't wait to see that cute baby!
I'm sorry Sarah. I'm right there with you with the kids being punks. M pushes me to the very edge almost everyday just because she can. I agree with the Love & Logic classes!! I've only read some of the book but my parents took the class & loved it. Hopefully this next week is better.
When one day is down, the next can only be up. . . I'm learning to cherish the little moments. . . ah, the times and seasons of our lives. I promise you'll look back and smile. . . just keep smilin'.
You are so cute! I understand where you are coming from and I cannot comprehend how I would function being pregnant again with a child.. and you have 2. It is not permanent and pregnancy really is so amazing. Hang in there.. you are tough!!
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